The DEI Charter

As a community we have been working hard to create a kind and inclusive school where all students can feel that they belong. We have recently introduced the DEI Charter following discussions with students and staff and in conjunction with Zahara Chowdhury (founder of School Should Be...).

DEI Charter

At Challoner’s, we strive to create a safe environment where everyone feels they belong, and kindness, respect and equity inform everything we do. Our school is a rich and diverse community, so we must develop thinking and attitudes appropriate for the global society in which we live. This charter is for current and prospective students and staff, as well as the wider community, to understand the commitments of our school in this vital area, and to outline the expectations of all members of the school community:

Our Key Commitments:

Maintain a positive ethos: We stand for an atmosphere of empathy, inclusion and respect that empowers all members of the community. Commitment to curiosity: We will retain a curiosity about others in our diverse community; whilst also remaining tolerant of others who might make genuine mistakes along the way. Accountability: We will accept responsibility for our actions and any negative impacts our comments and actions have upon those close to us and the wider community. Stand strongly against discrimination: We will actively oppose any form of discrimination including the protected characteristics of: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation. This will be treated with the same protocols and rigour as other harmful acts.

Our DEI Pledge:

  1. Educate: Address problematic stereotypes and prevalent prejudices by showing each other how such intolerance directly affects individuals and society as a whole.

  2. Encourage dialogue: Offer a safe space in which everyone can openly discuss issues they feel are important, share their own experiences and ask questions.

  3. Set clear expectations: Make clear in the school’s code of conduct that any form of prejudice and discrimination is unacceptable and detail the consequences. Breaches of these rules will be followed with swift action.

  4. Promote diversity and inclusion: Encourage the celebration of diversity and sharing culture through activities that can be enjoyed by all.

  5. Promote & empower upstanders: Encourage students and our whole school community to challenge intolerance and teach them how to support those affected by intolerance effectively.

  6. Involve parents: Inform families of areas of concern within the school. Involve them in what students are learning and encourage them to reinforce the same messages in a more direct and personalised way at home.

We will listen to how you want to be supported. We're here to help.
