As part of the Sixth Form experience at DCGS, a weekly lecture series is organised for students every Thursday. The topics discussed range from tensions in the Middle East to the intricacies of student finance and university applications. The recent lecture slot by Philip Sheppard was an incredible insight into his career, mindset and life experiences.

Philip Sheppard is a renowned British composer and cellist known for his work in various fields, including film, television and video game scores. A standout example of his expertise is showcased in his role in the 2012 London Olympic Games, where he conducted, rearranged, and edited all two-hundred-and-five national anthems for the winners' ceremonies. The monumental task required an incredible fifty-two recording hours, and the anthems produced by Philip are set to be used in International Olympic Committee events over the next twenty-five years.

One of the key messages from Philip was that individuals can achieve remarkable and unconventional feats if they set their minds to it, using his own experiences as an example. Having worked on a variety of projects, from scoring a behind-the-scenes Star Wars film trailer to composing over sixty-five film, gaming, television and theatrical scores and performing at Glastonbury, Philip acknowledged that luck played a role in his success. Nevertheless, he believes that luck is a product of both hard work and taking opportunities, both of which can be intentionally created. His philosophy revolves around the idea that making lists and articulating ideas and goals can pave the way for opportunities that, when seized, contribute to success.

Philip's messages certainly hit their marks, with both cohorts appreciating his key points. Despite choosing a less conventional path, he has had a very successful career, which made his perspective all the more fascinating. It was truly incredible to gain insight from someone who has collaborated with some of the most prominent figures in film, sports, music, and technology.

If you would like to learn more about Philip's incredible experiences, please follow the link to his (very cool) website. Listen to some of his work by clicking on 'cards', on the top right of his website.